Orario & Sede
30 ott 2023, 09:00 GMT+11 – 01 nov 2023, 17:00 GMT+11
Sydney, Sydney NSW, Australia
Info sull'evento
HCKSYD 2023 Training Catalougue
CSM: Cloud Security Masterclass: Defender's Guide to Securing AWS & Azure Infrastructure - 3 Days | Abhinav Singh
MWD: Modern Web & Desktop apps: Master the Future of Attack Vectors - 3 Days | Anirudh Anand
Aii: Hacking Android, iOS and IoT apps by Example - 3 Days | Abhishek JM
MWH: Modern Wi-Fi Hacking - 3 Days | Michael Kruger
THE: Tactical Hacking Essentials - 3 Days | Jason Spencer
WAH: Applied Web Application Hacking - 3 Days | Reino Mostert
PHF: Practical Hacking Fundamentals- 3 Days | Marianka Botes
IMPORTANT: All HCKSYD Training Registrations include a full conference pass, including the after-party ticket. Trainings will be finalised on 15 July 2023 (if they meet the minimum number of registrations) - DO NOT book travel before that date. Trainings that do not go ahead will be dropped from the schedule and a full refund will be made to the registered entities. There will be an option to opt for any of the other trainings that will be going ahead.