23 and 24 November, 9:30 AM - 5 PM
RF Village & TrainingRadios are everywhere, and RF technology is applied in places that you might not even have thought of, and this usage is only going to grow. Come learn how basic Radio technology works, what you can transmit and receive, as well as the legalities you need to keep in mind before blasting the entire CBD with RF interference (hint: don't).The RF village is a space to allow participants the opportunity to learn and experiment with a variety of RF devices and technologies. As a bonus, we may even inspire your next revolutionary project idea! We'll be doing a few live demos with the Flipper Zero, a variety of SDR’s as well as other radio equipment. Training will focus on real-world use cases and interesting projects you can perform with an RTL-SDR.Disclaimer: no responsibility taken if this workshop also inspires your next eBay spending spree.
Amy Nightingale
Hi, I'm Amy - I'm currently a Security Consultant working closely with a broad range of teams on developing incident response platforms. By night, I am an Assistant Lecturer at Sydney University teaching an intensive 24-week cybersecurity bootcamp to educate newcomers and re-skill professionals transitioning into the cybersecurity industry.I come from a very strong background in SIEM/SOARs (specialising in Splunk), development in a variety of programming languages and applications and fluency in the Japanese language. I regularly apply these skills on personal projects and contributing to the Security community, including hosting workshops, volunteering at events and building out CTF platforms and scenarios.
John Gerardos
John Gerardos is an enterprise security architect and penetration tester with over 15 years’ experience who loves to make, break, and fix stuff. John can usually be found researching the latest security topics, playing with ham radios, tinkering with random objects or roaming around security conferences. As well as his day job, John actively participates within the information security community. He regularly mentors students and Cyber Security professionals, attends security conferences, and runs several security training sessions.